Meeting Room Policy rules of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. All meetings held in the Library must be open to the general public.
  2. Meeting may not disrupt or interfere with the normal operations of the Library (e.g. noise level, babysitting).
  3. Children under age 8 must be with their parents.
  4. Meetings must be concluded fifteen (15) minutes prior to the Library closing and all attendees must exit building at closing time.
  5. Attendees must leave the room in the arrangement indicated on the diagram posted by the light switch.
  6. The kitchen area must be cleaned.
  7. NO alcoholic beverages may be served.
  8. Groups with members age 18 or under must be supervised by adult age 21 or older.
  9. No advertisement or announcement implying Library endorsement will be permitted.


  1. Staff members will notify meeting room users of any problems.
  2. After two (2) incidents, the Administrative Librarian will contact the Presiding Officer to help resolve the situation.
  3. If another incident occurs, Meeting Room privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the calendar year.
  4. Failure to return the meeting room to the arrangements posted by the light switch will result in a $25 fee, payable before any additional meeting may be held.
  5. Any organization that is discovered to be a commercial venture rather than a non-profit organization will be a assessed a $100 fee and barred from any future use of the Library meeting rooms.

To reserve a meeting room, please click on the link below to download the application or you can come into the Library and stop at the Circulation Desk for an application.

Meeting Room Application