Meeting Room Policy rules of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following:
- All meetings held in the Library must be open to the general public.
- Meeting may not disrupt or interfere with the normal operations of the Library (e.g. noise level, babysitting).
- Children under age 8 must be with their parents.
- Meetings must be concluded fifteen (15) minutes prior to the Library closing and all attendees must exit building at closing time.
- Attendees must leave the room in the arrangement indicated on the diagram posted by the light switch.
- The kitchen area must be cleaned.
- NO alcoholic beverages may be served.
- Groups with members age 18 or under must be supervised by adult age 21 or older.
- No advertisement or announcement implying Library endorsement will be permitted.
- Staff members will notify meeting room users of any problems.
- After two (2) incidents, the Administrative Librarian will contact the Presiding Officer to help resolve the situation.
- If another incident occurs, Meeting Room privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the calendar year.
- Failure to return the meeting room to the arrangements posted by the light switch will result in a $25 fee, payable before any additional meeting may be held.
- Any organization that is discovered to be a commercial venture rather than a non-profit organization will be a assessed a $100 fee and barred from any future use of the Library meeting rooms.
To reserve a meeting room, please click on the link below to download the application or you can come into the Library and stop at the Circulation Desk for an application.