Board of Trustees

Lillian Lee, President

Barbara Donaldson, Vice President

Sheila Sanders, Treasurer 

Deborah Corney, Secretary 

Jane Brown, Trustee

Sondra Vickers, Trustee



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Grande Prairie Public Library District
Library Board Trustee Information
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the Library. While the Board does not manage the library, it does the following:
• Advocates for the Library
• Creates policies and procedures for the Library
• Oversees Library funds
Library Duties & Responsibilities:
• Attend monthly Board meetings, community meetings, events and workshops.
• Ensure that accurate records are kept on file at the library.
• Represent the community and its needs and interests as related to the library’s mission.
• Create written policies to govern the operation of the library.
• Establish rules and regulations governing the use of the library upon the recommendation of the Library Director
• Secure adequate funds from the appropriating agency, and from new sources when necessary.
• Prepare and approve an annual budget
• Administer gifts of money and property according to the terms of bequests.
• Advocate for the library’s needs at the local and state level. Support state and national library legislation
to benefit library services.
For more detailed information on being a library trustee, visit these websites:
American Library Association
Illinois Library Association
Illinois State Library